Treating nail fungus with clove oil


1 tablespoon of a carrier oil (e.g., coconut oil, olive oil)

5-10 drops of clove oil


  • Mix the Oils* In a small bowl, mix the clove oil with the carrier oil. Clove oil is potent, so diluting it with a carrier oil helps prevent skin irritation.
  • Clean and Dry the Affected Area* Wash your feet or hands thoroughly and make sure the nails are completely dry. Moisture can encourage fungal growth, so keeping the area dry is essential.
  • Apply the Mixture* Using a cotton swab or your fingers, apply the oil mixture directly to the affected nails. Make sure to cover the entire nail, including the sides and underneath the tip.
  • Let it Absorb* Allow the oil to absorb fully before putting on socks or shoes. This may take about 15-20 minutes.
  • Repeat Consistently* Apply the treatment twice daily, morning and night, for several weeks or until the nail shows signs of improvement and is completely healed.

Additional Tips

  • Trim and file your nails regularly to remove infected parts and allow the oil to penetrate deeper.
  • Keep your feet or hands clean and dry throughout the day.
  • Disinfect nail clippers and tools after each use to avoid spreading the fungus.
  • This natural remedy, combined with proper hygiene and patience, can help eliminate nail fungus in a safe and budget-friendly way.

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